A downloadable game for Windows

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Tyrant is a Scifi FPS blending looter-shooter and rogue-like gameplay elements to create a fast paced, story driven experience. The player controls Zeta.exe, a firewall bot that works within an antagonistic AI construct.


Humanity is at its wits end and has pooled their efforts to implant a destructive computer virus into the “Overmind” AI in the hopes of taking it out once and for all. Zeta must use the full array of tools at his disposal, from countless weapons to various “computer themed” abilities to overcome the mindless hordes of infected computer programs. Further complicating things, is that while Zeta’s mind can be restored if he perishes, all of the “software” upgrades he collected along the way are impossible to recover, making each attempt at preventing the crisis dynamic and unique. Along the way a complex plot unfolds that will keep the player guessing as to what is really happening inside the mind of this AI. Tyrant is a game meant for fans of fast-paced movement-heavy FPS gameplay with the perfect balance of challenge and end-game power fantasy that popular rogue-like’s offer. 

Current and Future Development: 

Tyrant is currently in an Alpha build created in UE 4.27 with eventual plans to migrate to UE5. The game has been in consistent development for the past 8 months and recently brought on several talented team members to bring our studio to 5 people total. This growth has allowed us to ramp up production across several types of game assets such as voice acted characters, soundtrack and audio design, and in-game art. In terms of in game development thus far, most of production has gone towards building the core systems that create the rogue-like gameplay loop we are shooting for as well as the gun generation system that drives the weapon diversity the game offers. As of now, the current build of the game features a tutorial, hub world, and a mostly complete world 1. Future development will begin to shift gears to making these areas feel more alive with a large focus on 3D assets. Enemies and guns currently use basic and/or placeholder models in many cases and now that the framework of the game is nearing completion, it is time to invest more in these areas. By implementing modular systems, our hope is to be able to rapidly “drag and drop” game ready assets as they are completed. The main road block we face is the necessary funding that comes with employing a talented 3D artist. 

Updates and Growth:

Assuming funding goals are met (either partially or fully), we aim to follow a monthly schedule for releasing updates to the alpha build. We recently published the first in a series of dev-log style content on our YouTube channel and plan to grow this platform in conjunction with development (There is a dedicated videographer and editor for the project's journey). Builds will be released alongside update videos in order to grow interest in the project and give dedicated fans early access to project files. 


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Tyrant - LATEST BUILD.zip 2.9 GB